Have you lost your running motivation at the moment?
Here's some things you could try to get back out there and enjoying your running again.
Sign up for an event - this is a great way to give yourself a goal to work towards and events are all go now, wahoo!
Find a group run to join and have some fun. We have a few ways you can run with us:
Join our Wellington Group Runs here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1778121582490894/
Join our Palmerston North Group Runs here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/733892180936202/
Or get yourself down to one of the parkrun events that happen around NZ every Saturday morning: www.parkrun.co.nz
Recruit a running buddy and schedule some runs together, or a 4 legged buddy, Jem is always ready to run.
Jot down your favourite local runs and make a plan to tick them off over a month/weeks.
Set yourself a distance goal you would like to reach and a date to reach it by.
Write down all the things you love about running and get back to your running why.
As we head into cooler weather get yourself enough gear to stay warm when running, some of my favourite runs have been out squishing in muddy puddles over winter.
Not quite ready to get back to running, that is totally ok! Maybe getting out and enjoying some walks is going to suit you better right now. Or use the time to focus on strength training, so when you do get back out there you are strong and ready to run - we can help you with that here: www.lifeinmotion.co.nz/run-club
Happy running!